Thursday, 26 October 2017
Hinava atau nama lainnya iaitu Hinava Ginapan merupakan salah satu makanan kaum Iban di Sarawak.Makanan ini selalunya disajikan semasa Haru Gawai.
Pada zaman pemerintahan kesultanan Brunei,soeorang pelayar dari China telah singgah di Sarawak.Di sana,pelayar tersebut telah memperkenalkan makanan itu kepada masyarakat Iban.Setelah masyarakat Iban tahu cara untuk membuatnya,mereka menambahkan isi ikan yu,udang,sotong da sebagainya.Isi ikan juga dipotong menjadi kecil.
Kebersihan dan kesegaran amatlah dititikberatkan.Ikan,udang atau sotong haruslah yang segar-segar dan terus dimasak.
Umai makanan kebudayaan kaum Iban.Lagi sedap kalau ikan yang segar ditambah cili dan bawang besar ataupun lebih dikenali di Sarawak sebagai bawang 'bakong'.Pedas nyer bukan main..
Ayam pansuh salah satu dari makanan tradisional kaun Iban yang dihidangkan setiap kali perayaan Hari Gawai diadakna.Ayam ini akan diempuk dahulu menggunakan rempah yang mengikut resepi sebelum dimasukkan di dalam buluh untuk dibakar.Resepi ini memang mengikut citarasa orang asia dan dikekalkan dari zaman nenek moyang lagi sehingga sekarang.Rasanya bukan kepalang sedap ow.!
Midin belacan salah satu makanan tradisional orang Iban yang sangat sedap.Tidak sempurna rasanya jika tidak ditambah belacan.Belacan sejenis makanan yang dibuat daripada udang kecil yang dipanggil 'bubuk'.Belacan ini biasanya didapati dikawasan Bintulu dan dimana-mana kawasan yang memang perrhh rasanya.Belacan juga boleh digunakan membuat sambal dan lauk seperti 'midin' apatah lagi kalau dicampur cili memang meletop habis.Tak caya??datang la ke Sarawak.
Pekasam ensabi ini merupakan sayur sawi yang dijeruk begitu popular di rumah panjang.Rasanya yang masam dan sedikit masin amat sedap dinikamati dengan nasi yang masih panas.Memang citarasa orang kampung laa.Apatah lagi kalau emak kita yang masak.Sehingga kini hidangan yang diwarisi dari turun temurun nenek moyang ini masih degemari.
Perayaan Hari Gawai Masyarakat Iban
Ramai yang tertanya-tanya bagaimana meriahnya hari Gawai diadakan oleh suku kaum Iban di Sarawak.Sebagai bumiputera Sarawak,ingin saya kongsikan tentang pengalaman semasa hari Gawai diadakan.
Semasa pagi 31 Mei, 'ranyai' akan didirikan di 'ruai' rumah panjang sebagai simbolik.'Ranyai' tersebut akan digantungkan dengan makanan(roti @ air kotak),belon dan lain-lain hiasan yang dikenali 'buah ranyai'.Kaum Iban biasanya akan 'ngajat' mengelilingi 'ranyai' dengan iringan pukulan alat muzik tradisional kaum Iban.
Hari Gawai akan diadakan pada 31 Mei dan 1 Jun pada setiap tahun.Seperti kebiasaan,saudara mara akan balik ke kampung (rumah panjang) pada tarikh tersebut.Semestinya meriah jika disambut dengan saudara mara yang telah lama tidak berjumpa.
Mengikut cerita zaman nenek moyang dahulu,Hari Gawai diadakan sebagai tanda tamatnya musim menuai dan menunjukkan kesyukuran terhadap rezeki yang kami terima sepanjang tahun.Mengikut kalendar suku kaum Iban,tarikh Hari Gawai adalah merupakan tarikh tahun yang baru kepada musim menuai.
'Ranyai' yang didirikan itu tidak boleh terjatuh.Jika terjatuh ianya tidak boleh didirikan semula.Pada jam 12 tgh/mlm pada 31 Mei,penduduk rumah panjang akan berkumpul di ruai 'tuai rumah' ataupun ketua rumah panjang untuk minum 'air pengayu'.Ini sebagai tanda mulanya tahun baru musim menuai.
Saturday, 21 October 2017
Some of people keep asking, how can ice float on water even before it becomes ice, it is also in liquid state. Let me answer your question.
😁When cooled to solid(ice), water molecules arrange themselves and form tetrahedral arrangement to maximise the amount of hydrogen bonding between them.What is tetrahedral arrangement??
This is tetrahedral arrangement.One molecule of water,H20 can bind with another water molecules in tetrahedral shape.
😁This arrangement leaves a large amount of spaces between molecules and give rise to an 'open structure'.
😁The large amount of spaces tell us that ice has larger volume than water.
😁The greater the volume, the lower the density.
😁Thus, ice float in water.
Some of people keep asking, how can ice float on water even before it becomes ice, it is also in liquid state. Let me answer your question.
😁When cooled to solid(ice), water molecules arrange themselves and form tetrahedral arrangement to maximise the amount of hydrogen bonding between them.What is tetrahedral arrangement??
This is tetrahedral arrangement.One molecule of water,H20 can bind with another water molecules in tetrahedral shape.
😁This arrangement leaves a large amount of spaces between molecules and give rise to an 'open structure'.
😁The large amount of spaces tell us that ice has larger volume than water.
😁The greater the volume, the lower the density.
😁Thus, ice float in water.
Drug abuse is the main causes the decay of teenage morals nowadays. It is affecting to their future life. George Nakashima says “when tress mature, it is fair and moral that they are cut for man’s use, as they would soon decay and return to the earth. Tress have a yearning to live again, perhaps to provide the beauty, strength and utility to serve man, even to become an object of great artistic worth”. This means that teens are very useful to the future of the country, even those are expected to inherit the position today’s leaders. The question here is, what would happen to the young generation if we do not take the responsibility and be more serious about drug abuse? Hence I must say that the causes of drug abuse are they lack of knowledge, peer influence, and lack of love from their parents.
The cause is lack of knowledge among teenagers about drug abuse. Teenager not knowing about drugs and the dangers of how it effect on each individual. This is because they do not take seriously the talk held either at school or at their neighbourhood area, not paying attention to the advertising of drug hazards in social media. Besides, parents do not play their role at home. Parents not educating their children to avoid drugs expressly. Then, the school did not conduct a drug dangers campaign. Many teenagers learn something new from school. So, without this campaign they will not get more information about the dangers of drug.
The second cause of drug abuse is peer influence. Teens love to try something new that follow the latest trend. They are told that taking drugs can reduce stress. Then, more of teenagers do not know how to distinguish between the positive and negatives things. They do not know the dangers of drug and how it effects to their health, family and future. Next, teenagers are easy to follow with their friends’ negative direction and solicitation. They are more believing their friends because only friends can understand them without thinking about its bad effects.
The last causes is lack of love from parents. Teenagers are lack of attention from their parents. Parents are selective towards their children causing them feel set aside and undervalued. This will cause the teenager to dare to do something negative things because there is no restriction from their parents. Then, parents also do not give effective advice to their children. They do not take decisive action against the negative treatment of their children. Furthermore, parents do not control every moment and action of their children at school. Parents never contact the school to know their child’s learning progress. So, this is what will lead the teenagers to the wrong direction and miss the many lessons in school.
In a nutshell, lack of knowledge, peer influence, and lack of love from parents are the causes of drug abuse among teenagers. Drug addiction must be prevented before the issue getting worst. New generation should be taught to avoid negative symptoms as they are the future leader of the nation. They are the ones who will carry our vision and mission to a better and more developed society.
The cause is lack of knowledge among teenagers about drug abuse. Teenager not knowing about drugs and the dangers of how it effect on each individual. This is because they do not take seriously the talk held either at school or at their neighbourhood area, not paying attention to the advertising of drug hazards in social media. Besides, parents do not play their role at home. Parents not educating their children to avoid drugs expressly. Then, the school did not conduct a drug dangers campaign. Many teenagers learn something new from school. So, without this campaign they will not get more information about the dangers of drug.
The second cause of drug abuse is peer influence. Teens love to try something new that follow the latest trend. They are told that taking drugs can reduce stress. Then, more of teenagers do not know how to distinguish between the positive and negatives things. They do not know the dangers of drug and how it effects to their health, family and future. Next, teenagers are easy to follow with their friends’ negative direction and solicitation. They are more believing their friends because only friends can understand them without thinking about its bad effects.
The last causes is lack of love from parents. Teenagers are lack of attention from their parents. Parents are selective towards their children causing them feel set aside and undervalued. This will cause the teenager to dare to do something negative things because there is no restriction from their parents. Then, parents also do not give effective advice to their children. They do not take decisive action against the negative treatment of their children. Furthermore, parents do not control every moment and action of their children at school. Parents never contact the school to know their child’s learning progress. So, this is what will lead the teenagers to the wrong direction and miss the many lessons in school.
In a nutshell, lack of knowledge, peer influence, and lack of love from parents are the causes of drug abuse among teenagers. Drug addiction must be prevented before the issue getting worst. New generation should be taught to avoid negative symptoms as they are the future leader of the nation. They are the ones who will carry our vision and mission to a better and more developed society.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017

You can talk to someone who you believe, about your problems either in work or in your relationship with friends. So that,you can release your tension. Family is the best person who are you can talk to and believe , because they are closer to us and are going through thick and thin with us.
Sometimes we need to practicing a healthy lifestyle at least 3 times a week. We should jogging in the evening within 1 hour or more than that with our friends or family. It is good for our health.
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HINAVA Hinava atau nama lainnya iaitu Hinava Ginapan merupakan salah satu makanan kaum Iban di Sarawak.Makanan ini selalunya disajikan ...
HINAVA Hinava atau nama lainnya iaitu Hinava Ginapan merupakan salah satu makanan kaum Iban di Sarawak.Makanan ini selalunya disajikan ...
Perayaan Hari Gawai Masyarakat Iban Ramai yang tertanya-tanya bagaimana meriahnya hari Gawai diadakan oleh suku kaum Iban di Sarawak.Seba...
ICE IS LESS DENSE THAN WATER.WHY??? Some of people keep asking, how can ice float on water even before it becomes ice, it is also in liqui...